
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


selepas lulus SMA, gw melanjutkan pendidikan ke universitas.. pertama kali gw masuk ke univ sanata dharma.. namun itu tidak berlangsung lama.. cuma 1 semester.. akhirnya tahun 2007 gw pindah di gunadarma..

pertama kali gw masuk gunadarma gw kuliah di kampus xmalang.. namun selepas semester 2 mw memasuki ke semester 3, gw mendapat beasiswa yang tak diduga gw termasuk dalam kelas aksel gitu kalo di SMP/SMA.. di sana gw sekelas cuma ber 9.. gw pun akhirnya pindah ke kampus TB Simatupang.. singkatnya, perjalanan kuliah S1 itu kini sudah berakhir.. gw menempuh kuliah ini selama kurang lebih selama 3.5 tahun..

dan pada akhirnya.. setelah sempat mengalami perpindahan perguruan tinggi.. gw lulus juga dari S1... dan sekarang gw sudah resmi jadi sarjana teknik... terima kasih Tuhan atas berkatMu selama ini.. terima kasih juga buat orang tua yang telah membesarkan hingga sekarang.. terima kasih juga buat semua yang telah terus mendukung di setiap segala kesulitan yang dialami...

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Human and Computer Interaction on the Movie I, Robot

I, Robot that released at 2004, was directed by Alex Proyas. This movie is a science-fiction movie. The story of this movie takes place in Chicago at 2035. This movie tells about the Chicago police detective who dislikes the rapid advancement technology, including robot. The detective’s name is Spooner. His reason why he dislikes that due to a robot saving Spooner from an automobile accident during which a girl in another car drowned. One day, Spooner was ordered to investigate the death of Dr. Alfred Lanning, a robotic scientist and founder of U.S Robotics by Lanning via means of a hologram. Spooner suspects Dr. Lanning was dead because murdered. To seek answers of the mystery, he was helped by robopsychologist, Susan Calvin.

By this movie, we can see how the human interact with the computer. The computer that referred in this movie is the robots. Robots that are in this film were created in such a way very similar to humans. The robot can speak with the human or do something. In fact, robots in this movie can also act like a criminal mafia shootings.

Besides robots, the interaction is in this movie also the interaction between people with super computers. The super computers name is VIKI (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence). In this movie, the interaction that happened is the human can speak like people who talk to each other.